MV Public School Preschool Programs


There are three preschool classrooms run by the Martha’s Vineyard Public Schools. They are located in the Oak Bluffs School, the West Tisbury School and below Grace Church in Vineyard Haven. These classrooms are integrated programs meeting the needs of all learners.


Project Headway is a preschool program operated by the Martha’s Vineyard Public Schools to provide children with and without disabilities the opportunity to develop, learn, and grow together in an inclusive, diverse early learning environment. The program began in 1981 and has been providing high quality early education for Vineyard children 3, 4, and 5 years old who have a very wide range of abilities, strengths, needs, and learning styles.

The program philosophy is grounded upon a developmental perspective of child growth and learning.  We believe that each child builds his or her own understanding and skills when engaged in carefully planned and supported learning and play experiences in interactions with peers and with skilled, caring adults.
Close attention is paid to children’s social-emotional development and communication skills. The primary focus and mission of the program is to support each child’s optimal development in the key areas of socialization, communication, and independence through play.  The program also incorporates behavioral perspectives in supporting learning through functional behavior assessments and applied behavior analysis (ABA) for some learners.

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